In the late fall of 1951, an incident occurred that was instrumental in drawing the Whiteside's attention to the need of an organization to aide indigent people. A fellow church member of Mrs. Whiteside told her family in the church member's neighborhood. The children of this family were so hungry that other neighborhood children made a game of throwing bread on the ground and laughing as they watched the hungry children scramble for the bread. Deeply moved, Mrs. Whiteside appealed to her church missionary society, other neighbors and friends for food and clothing-which they gave generously. Further assistance was secured for the family from the Chattanooga Welfare Department.

Motivated by this undertaking, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside thought about other families and individuals in need and wanted to do something to help them as well. The Good Neighbors Club was formally organized on January 10, 1952.

Working primarily from their home, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside collected and distributed food and clothing to those in need. Members from various Chattanooga-area churches assisted in these efforts and Mr. Fred Webb of WMFS Radio (now-known as WNOO), offered his assistance by promoting the idea of a public service radio program. The weekly broadcast was quite instrumental in building community interest in the organization.

Because of Mr. Whiteside's personal philosophy and beliefs, governmental funding was not sought and most of the fundraising was from private donations and activities by the "clubs" that were quite active by 1959 when the State of Tennessee granted a charter granting Good Neighbors the ability ti function as a tax exempt, charitable organization.

It would take too much time to tell the entire history, but we will highlight two of the most visible parts of this history: September 1977 witnessed the groundbreaking of the Whiteside Faith Manor. The building was dedicated in April 1979 with 117 apartments and is still a model senior citizen residential facility. May 3,1979, Good Neighbors New Testament Church opened its doors for worship. Located next door to the Manor, it is a nondenominational church solidly in keeping with the Good Neighbors' tradition.

We continue to thank God for the vision, compassion, and determination of Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside and pray His continued blessing on this great organization and its members.


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